Why There's a Shortage of Good Men
Data from 2012 proves there are more college educated females in America than college educated males under 40. The are over 55 females...

The Bachelor Episode 4 Recap
This episode of The Bachelor started out really boring for the first 25 minutes. It’s basically the girls getting excited about going to...

The Bachelor Episode 3 Recap
I thought Episode 3 was 2 hours of solid base hits. There wasn’t any major drama but there was enough to keep it interesting. Arie and...

Mentally Dating a Celebrity
With the abundance of social media out there today mentally dating a celebrity has never been easier. Celebrities have a strong social...

Marathon vs. Sprinting for Love
If you’ve ever run before you know there are basically two types of races. Sprinting and distance. Sprinting generally consists of...

Attention and Drama: Dangerous Dating Addictions
There is no doubt that increased media accessibility has changed dating and relationships. Some of it is for the better and some of it...
3 Questions if You're Serious About Dating
If you’re serious about dating for a long term mate there’s three good questions you should ask yourself and be able to answer a...